Ticketmaster HQ hosts Festival of Code
This morning BBC Breakfast broadcast live from the Festival of Code, the world’s biggest hackathon for young people, at Ticketmaster HQ.
The national event gives aspiring tech superstars the tools to improve their digital skills, and is expected to attract 1,200 coders at 70 centres across the UK.
One participant told the BBC how she developed a healthy living website at last year’s event, while another young coder explained his idea for a pre-election app.
Emma Mulqueeny, Founder of Young Rewired State and Rewired State the youth organisation that runs the Festival of Code, said: “The Festival of Code exists to find the best potential digital geniuses worldwide, the future premier league technology talent.
“The festival unearths these under 18 bedroom programmers and asks them to solve real world problems with open data. We give them a platform to showcase their talents and creativity, and also empower their skills through mentoring.”
Adding: “The Festival of Code is the only event worldwide operating at this scale and with computer programming now part of the national curriculum, the Festival of Code is set to be bigger than ever.”
The week-long Festival of Code event is open to young coders ages five to 18, and is assisted by over 250 industry volunteers including those from Ticketmaster.
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