CMAT at TRNSMT, 14/07/24
Dublin's buzzy singer has the swaggering confidence of a country icon in the making
When Ciara Mary-Alice Thompson, or CMAT to her adoring fans, took to the TRNSMT main stage sporting rockstar shades and leopard print sleeves, the aura was there from the start. Backed by her band dressed in matching little page boy french sailor-esque t-shirts and knotted neckerchiefs, the conscious visual aesthetic came on strong. But to say CMAT was all onstage antics, red tights, smoke, and lights would be massively underselling her talent as an artist.
With a majestic performing style referencing both the emotive operatic vocal appeal of Kate Bush and the easy southern charm embodied by country queen herself Dolly Parton, CMAT knows how to put on a good show. But weaving a world of an enchanting melodrama and beguiling melodies would not be possible without an inhuman level of onstage energy, something the singer seems to have in spades.
Starting her first song ‘Nashville’ standing in classic crooner style, CMAT darted back to grab her white Gretsch Falcon while the drummer punched the atmosphere up and into gear in time for the next track. ‘I Don’t Really Care For You’ had the crowd mesmerized with its addictive satisfying swing. With the song’s performance coming together in a soaring banshee wail, CMAT’s insane vocal ability and love of controlled dramatic hysteria was on full display with not one second spare for a dull moment.
In between songs, CMAT seemed at ease with the Glasgow crowd, joking despite being from Ireland that today she was ‘feeling very Spanish’ in reference to the national desire for England to lose Sunday’s match. Clearly adept at crowd work, she introduced ‘I Wanna Be A Cowboy’ by asking the crowd if they would join her by dancing a simple dance she demonstrated called the “Dunboyne County Meath two step”. As she said, it was so easy “you can hold your drink while you do it” and in no time the throng was moving in unison as she swayed along with her guitar. Just before jumping into the song she shouted to a bandmate, “What do you wanna be?” to be met with the childlike shout of, “Cowboy!” The song was gracefully structured with vibrant melancholic lyrics. Matched with a soaring vocal performance and cowboy-esque yeehaws from the singer, it was a standout moment in the set.
For the last song, ‘Stay for Something’, CMAT asked the crowd to shout the lyrics along with her, which was done with glee. It was a flourish that made clear that she had the crowd in the palm of her hand. With such an incredible level of charisma, truly transcendental vocals and the expertly crafted songs to back her up, CMAT will clearly go far. To put it lightly we are very excited to see what’s next for her career.
CMAT supports New Order at Alexandra Head, Cardiff Bay on 22 August – find tickets here