

Harry Styles takes a water bottle to the crotch onstage in Chicago

This isn’t even the first time that the singer has been hit in the balls onstage

Harry Styles lost the Mercury Prize last night to Little Simz’s fantastic Sometimes I Might Be Introvert, which surprisingly wasn’t the worst hit he took that evening. Onstage at Chicago’s United Centre, Styles paused to chat to fans when a water bottle flew in from the audience and struck the singer right where it hurts.

Styles could be seen doubling over and breathing slowly for a few minutes, as his band abruptly stopped playing. “That’s unfortunate,” he murmured into the mic. “Shake it off.” He did so, in quite impressive time.

Harry Styles last night gets hit in the Balls but shakes it off before performing again #harrystyles

“Okay, so for the rest of the show…” he continued, in a high-pitched squeak, and trailed off into laughter along with the rest of the United Centre.

To be fair, Styles has had some practice when it comes to shaking off this particular injury. This handy compilation below documents the surprisingly high number of times that Harry Styles has been hit in the balls onstage. At this point, he’s practically a professional.

Harry Styles heads on (a hopefully painless) UK tour in May. Tickets available here.