
Vote: Who IS the greatest living rock star on the planet today?

It’s been over 24 hours since Kanye West declared himself “the greatest living rock star on the planet” during his headline set at Glastonbury 2015, but we thought we’d put it to a vote.

As the ripples of Kanye’s bold declaration cause reactions up and down the, er, planet, we’re asking who you think IS the greatest living rock star right now..?

Taylor Swift, Florence + The Machine, Drake and The Who were just SOME of the stars who headlined UK festivals this weekend alone, but do any of them make the cut?

Ozzy Osbourne, Brian May, Jay Z, Dave Grohl and Lionel Richie are just some of the names rattling around the Ticketmaster UK office… while there’s substantial arguments to suggest Dolly Parton is essential more rock star than anyone, ever.

Vote for your greatest living rock star on the planet from the shortlist below…

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